

揭开哈瓦那综合症:新证据将 GRU 的暗杀部队 29155 与对美国官员及其家人的神秘袭击联系起来

来源:https://theins.press/en/politics/270425 Tbilisi 第比利斯 He was tall, certainly taller than Joy’s neighbors and the Georgians she’d come to know in eight months of living in Dighomi, an upscale residential community in Tbilisi. He was young and thin and blonde and well-dressed — as if headed to the theater, or perhaps a wedding. 他身材高大,当然比乔伊的邻居和她在第比利斯高档住宅区迪戈米(Dighomi)生活八个月时认识的格鲁吉亚人还要高。他年轻、瘦弱、金发碧眼、衣着考究——仿佛要去剧院,或者去参加婚礼。 Minutes earlier on October 7, 2021, Joy, an American nurse and the wife of a U.S. Embassy official, had been taking her laundry out of the dryer when she was completely consumed by an acute ringing sound that reminded her of what someone in the movies experiences after a bomb has gone off. “It just pierced my ears, came in my left side, felt like it came through the window, into my left ear,” Joy remembers. “I immediately felt fullness in my head, and just a piercing headache.” She ran out of the laundry room on the second floor of her house and into the bathroom adjoining